Is it Spring or is it Winter or is it summer? So many changes in just a few days but a good time at any time to get outside and enjoy Nature!
Our Mission: To encourage the curious mind to explore, in an environment that is safe, supportive, cooperative and productive, any and all aspects of our World, whether man-made or natural in origin, through student interaction, imaginitive play and participative learning. |

LET'S GET OUTSIDE • Monday, February 28th LET'S GET OUTSIDE!
After a tumultuous two years of COVID-19, we are hoping for a somewhat more normal Spring and summer season getting out-of-doors and investigating nature’s many mysteries through summer reading programs at libraries, BugWorks classroom programs investigating macroinvertebrates and stream health and summer camps in Highgate as well, hopefully in Georgia. Special programming designed for specific needs are also available. Whether young or young-at-heart, all can benefit from being, playing, and enjoying the out-of-doors. Please contact us at 802-238-3697 or email us for more information or check out calendar for events you can attend. Modified by MrK@exordium-adventure.com on 2022-02-28 Modified by MrK@exordium-adventure.com on 2022-02-28
|  | Nature tells a story without words and just as with letters of the alphabet, you must learn how to interpret the signs! WHAT HAPPENED HERE? |